Bottle Rockets

By Pittsburgh Fringe 2018 (other events)

3 Dates Through Apr 08, 2018

THOREAU, NM- A PRODUCTION COMPANY AND PITTSBURGH FRINGE PRESENTS: Following last year's Best Local award-winning show, “The Booth,” Thoreau, NM - - A Production Company continues its tradition of bringing well-made plays to the Pittsburgh Fringe Festival.  "Bottle Rockets," is a 3-person domestic comedy examining legacy and what we choose to communicate with each other, filtered through one family's dynamic, and the use of technology.

Rating: PG


No refunds. 

No late seating.

Permission to Use Likeness/Name: By purchasing a ticket or using the ticket buyer agrees, without compensation, patron’s likeness and/or name to appear, and to otherwise be used, in material, regardless of media form, promoting the Pittsburgh Fringe,and/or its events and activities, including those of its representatives and licensees.