Andrew Frank- MACROCOSM

By Pittsburgh Fringe 2018 (other events)

3 Dates Through Apr 08, 2018

ANDREW FRANK COMEDY AND PITTSBURGH FRINGE PRESENTS: MACROCOSM is an hour of cerebral, imaginative, and empathetic stand up comedy exploring the totality of existence.  Through a series of jokes we will explore our species' position in the grandiose system of Life, the network of abstract principles that comprise modern civilization, and the complex moral framework of the 21st Century.  

Rating: R


No refunds. 

No late seating.

Permission to Use Likeness/Name: By purchasing a ticket or using the ticket buyer agrees, without compensation, patron’s likeness and/or name to appear, and to otherwise be used, in material, regardless of media form, promoting the Pittsburgh Fringe,and/or its events and activities, including those of its representatives and licensees.